Students Union

           The College Union is the forum of elected representatives from all the students in the college from each class, Representative from boys and girls are elected in the presidential format and from the elected class representatives , office bearers for the executive committee are elected . The following persons are holding the key posts in the college union 2022-2023

Union Members

Chairman Anandhu Manoj 2nd Year MSc Electronics
Vice Chairman Sajishna Shaji 3rd Year B Com
General Secretery Niju Stephen 3rd Year BSc Electronics
University Union Councillor Sofiya Sunny 2nd Year BSc Electronics
University Union Councillor Abhila P L 1st Year BBA
Arts Club Secretery Anjana Sajay 2nd Year MSc Electronics
Sports Secretery Aswin G Nair 3rd Year B CA
Magazine Editor Athulya Binukumar 2nd Year BBA
Lady Representative Abiya Mary Sunny 3rd Year BBA
Lady Representative Meenu John Jomy 1st Year BCA
Commerce Association Amal Prasad S1 BCom ModelI